

來(lái)自美國(guó)克萊姆森大學(xué)的研究人員開發(fā)出一種方法:利用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)噴墨式打印機(jī)HP DeskJet 500在活細(xì)胞的膜上產(chǎn)生臨時(shí)性的孔。相關(guān)研究結(jié)果于2012年3月16日發(fā)表在JouRNAl of Visualized Experiments(JoVE)期刊上。

“當(dāng)我們想要可視化觀察在細(xì)胞上施加力量而導(dǎo)致的細(xì)胞骨架排布變化時(shí),我們便閃現(xiàn)開發(fā)這種方法的念頭”,論文通訊作者Delphine Dean博士說(shuō)。


“作者們使用一種完全**性的方法來(lái)對(duì)細(xì)胞進(jìn)行生物打印(bioprint)。而且,除細(xì)胞打印之外,這種方法也能夠有很多其他方面的應(yīng)用”,JoVE期刊科學(xué)編輯Nandita Singh博士說(shuō),“利用這種技術(shù)能夠?qū)⒒|(zhì)蛋白(matrix protein)打印在底板上從而實(shí)現(xiàn)細(xì)胞圖形化(Cell patterning)。這篇JoVE論文將使得這種方法變得更加簡(jiǎn)單和便于使用,并且也能夠讓其他實(shí)驗(yàn)室重復(fù)這種實(shí)驗(yàn)流程?!?/p>

所用的打印機(jī)經(jīng)過(guò)改造:移除進(jìn)紙裝置(paperfeed mechanism),同時(shí)添加一個(gè)“操作臺(tái)(stage)”以便放入載玻片。用細(xì)胞溶液取代油墨,這樣細(xì)胞就被直接打印在載玻片上。


“我們確實(shí)對(duì)細(xì)胞遭受擠壓時(shí)的細(xì)胞力學(xué)(cell mechanics)感興趣。這種方法允許我們按壓細(xì)胞,然后輕松地觀察細(xì)胞作出的反應(yīng)”,Dean博士說(shuō),“我們對(duì)心血管細(xì)胞以及它們?cè)谠馐軝C(jī)械壓力時(shí)作出的反應(yīng)感興趣?!?/p>



Creating Transient Cell Membrane Pores Using a Standard Inkjet Printer

Alexander B. Owczarczak, Stephen O. Shuford, Scott T. Wood, Sandra Deitch, Delphine Dean

Bioprinting has a wide range of applications and significance, including tissue engineering, direct cell application therapies, and biosensor microfabrication. Recently, thermal inkjet printing has also been used for gene transfection. The thermal inkjet printing process was shown to temporarily disrupt the cell membranes without affecting cell viability. The transient pores in the membrane can be used to introduce molecules, which would otherwise be too large to pass through the membrane, into the cell cytoplasm.

The application being demonstrated here is the use of thermal inkjet printing for the incorporation of fluorescently labeled g-actin monomers into cells. The advantage of using thermal ink-jet printing to inject molecules into cells is that the technique is relatively benign to cells.8, 12 Cell viability after printing has been shown to be similar to standard cell plating methods1,8. In addition, inkjet printing can process thousands of cells in minutes, which is much faster than manual microinjection. The pores created by printing have been shown to close within about two hours. However, there is a limit to the size of the pore created (~10 nm) with this printing technique, which limits the technique to injecting cells with small proteins and/or particles.

A standard HP DeskJet 500 printer was modified to allow for cell printing. The cover of the printer was removed and the paper feed mechanism was bypassed using a mechanical lever. A stage was created to allow for placement of microscope slides and coverslips directly under the print head. Ink cartridges were opened, the ink was removed and they were cleaned prior to use with cells. The printing pattern was created using standard drawing software, which then controlled the printer through a simple print command. 3T3 fibroblasts were grown to confluence, trypsinized, and then resuspended into phosphate buffered saline with soluble fluorescently labeled g-actin monomers. The cell suspension was pipetted into the ink cartridge and lines of cells were printed onto glass microscope cover slips. The live cells were imaged using fluorescence microscopy and actin was found throughout the cytoplasm. Incorporation of fluorescent actin into the cell allows for imaging of short-time cytoskeletal dynamics and is useful for a wide range of applications.

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