

加州大學洛杉磯分校的研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)一個新的潛在激活T細胞的途徑,T細胞是在抵抗感染過程中發(fā)揮重要作用的一類白血細胞。發(fā)表在3月25日Nature Medicine期刊上,研究小組專門研究感染部位的**細胞——樹突狀細胞是如何抵抗麻風分枝桿菌(麻風病的病原體)的。



這項研究的**作者、加州大學洛杉磯分校大衛(wèi)·格芬醫(yī)學皮膚科Mirjam Schenk博士后學者說:“這項研究**樹突狀細胞強有力的抗感染途徑已經(jīng)確定,并證明其在對付人類**中是重要的”。




加州大學洛杉磯分校皮膚科、格芬學校醫(yī)學院皮膚科主任**研究員Robert Modlin博士說:“我們驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn)樹突狀細胞在觸發(fā)某些特定的T細胞的反應(yīng)發(fā)揮重要作用,這可能有助于開發(fā)傳染性**和癌癥的新**策略。



這項研究是由美國國立衛(wèi)生研究院的國家過敏和傳染病研究所、國立關(guān)節(jié)炎及肌肉骨骼及皮膚**研究所資助。(批準號:AR040312 RO1s AI022553和AI047868)。

其他作者包括:加州大學洛杉磯分校大衛(wèi)格芬醫(yī)學院醫(yī)學系Stephan R Krutzik, Peter A Sieling, Delphine J. Lee, Rosane M. B. Teles和Maria Teresa Ochoa,分子醫(yī)學研究所研究人員,加州納米技術(shù)研究院援救人員,加州大學洛杉磯分校分子和醫(yī)學藥理系Euzenir N. Sarno、Oswaldo Cruz等人。


NOD2 triggers an interleukin-32–dependent human dendritic cell program in leprosy

It is unclear whether the ability of the innate immune system to recognize distinct ligands from a single microbial pathogen via multiple pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) triggers common pathways or differentially triggers specific host responses. In the human mycobacterial infection leprosy, we found that activation of monocytes via nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 2 (NOD2) by its ligand muramyl dipeptide, as compared to activation via heterodimeric Toll-like receptor 2 and Toll-like receptor 1 (TLR2/1) by triacylated lipopeptide, preferentially induced differentiation into dendritic cells (DCs), which was dependent on a previously unknown interleukin-32 (IL-32)-dependent mechanism. Notably, IL-32 was sufficient to induce monocytes to rapidly differentiate into DCs, which were more efficient than granulocyte-macrophage colony–stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-derived DCs in presenting antigen to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I–restricted CD8+ T cells. Expression of NOD2 and IL-32 and the frequency of CD1b+ DCs at the site of leprosy infection correlated with the clinical presentation; they were greater in patients with limited as compared to progressive disease. The addition of recombinant IL-32 restored NOD2-induced DC differentiation in patients with the progressive form of leprosy. In conclusion, the NOD2 ligand–induced, IL-32–dependent DC differentiation pathway contributes a key and specific mechanism for host defense against microbial infection in humans.

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