

來自北京生命科學(xué)研究所,農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)的研究人員介紹了一種新的高通量的SAR篩選體系,以及這種方法在正向遺傳學(xué)中的應(yīng)用。這一研究成果公布Plant Physiology雜志上。

系統(tǒng)獲得性抗性 (Systemic Acquired Resistance,SAR) 是指植物初次受到病原菌侵染后在沒有受侵害的葉片上產(chǎn)生的對(duì)病原菌的廣譜性抗性。長(zhǎng)期以來一直缺少能直接針對(duì)SAR進(jìn)行的正向遺傳學(xué)篩選方法。


除此之外,今年年初張躍林實(shí)驗(yàn)室發(fā)表了“MOS11: mRNA出核運(yùn)輸中的一個(gè)新元件”文章,篩選到了擬南芥的先天**突變體snc1修飾子mos11,并揭示了mos11在mRNA出核運(yùn)輸中的關(guān)鍵作用,從而為深入了解mRNA出核運(yùn)輸分子機(jī)制提供了新思路,并有助于推動(dòng)科研人員開發(fā)出mRNA出核異常所致**的新**策略。


Brush and Spray: A high throughput systemic acquired resistance assay suitable for large-scale genetic screening

Beibei Jing,Shaohua Xu,Mo Xu,Yan Li,Shuxin Li,Jinmei Ding andYuelin Zhang

Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a defense mechanism induced in the distal parts of plants after primary infection. It confers long-lasting protection against a broad spectrum of microbial pathogens. Lack of high-throughput assays has hampered forward genetic analysis of SAR. Here we report the development of an easy and efficient assay for SAR and its application in a forward genetic screen for SAR-deficient mutants. Using the new assay for SAR, we identified six fmo1, four ald1, three sid2, one pad4 and one pbs3 alleles as well as a gain-of-function mutant of CAMTA3 designated camta3-3D. Like transgenic plants over-expressing CAMTA3, camta3-3D mutant plants exhibit compromised SAR and enhanced susceptibility to virulent pathogens, suggesting that CAMTA3 is a critical regulator of both basal resistance and SAR.

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